Adonis v6
#519 — January 30, 2024
AdonisJS v6: The Complete Web Framework — If you want a TypeScript-first backend Web framework with amazing docs and packed with features out the box, Adonis is worth a look. v6 takes a huge step forward by using ESM by default, offering significantly more type safety overall (including for routes and middleware references), a new validation library, and more.
Harminder Virk
Memetria: Secure, Scalable Redis Hosting — High performance Redis hosting with large key tracking, detailed metrics, and a superior uptime record.
Memetria sponsor
Starting and Publishing a Library: The Modern Way — A walk through the steps involved in creating and packaging a library, publishing a package, adding testing, and automatically publishing it all to the NPM registry, along with provenance.
Tamás Sallai
🎉 Say hello to TypeScript 5.4 Beta.
The npm registry is a frequent target for nonsense and misdeeds, and now it’s been flooded with 748 packages containing movies. Why? Who knows.
There are malicious npm packages trying to steal SSH keys as well..
Did you know Google (indirectly) supports a performance-oriented blog template for the Node-powered Eleventy static site generator? (Eleventy 3.0 is coming soon, by the way, and they’re still looking for people to kick the tires.)
▶ A Step-by-Step Tutorial on Deploying Node.js Apps on AWS EC2 — Taking the manual, ‘do it all by hand’ approach. A good way to learn about all the pieces involved before automating it, perhaps.
Sam Meech-Ward
How TypeScript Can Help in Modelling Business Workflows
Oscar Dudycz
A Look Inside the .git Folder
Julia Evans
🛠 Code & Tools
Keyv: Simple Key-Value Storage with Support for Multiple Backends — A library that abstracts the concept of key-value storage, allowing you to easily use a memory based store (by default) or, if you need persistence, Redis, SQLite, Postgres, MySQL, etcd, Mongo, or even a tiered approach.
Jared Wray et al.
Payload 2.9: A Headless CMS Platform Built on Node — A Node.js-backed headless CMS with a customizable React-based admin system, GraphQL and REST APIs, flexible auth, file uploads, etc. Enough features to “feel more like an app framework akin to Laravel,” they say. GitHub repo.
Payload CMS, LLC
JavaScript Frontend Error Monitoring 101 — Take a crash (pun intended) course on JavaScript error monitoring and debugging with Sentry. Read on.
Sentry sponsor
Husky 9: Git Hooks Made Easy — Husky provides a structured way to use git hooks to do things like auto-lint your commit messages or code, and run tests upon committing or pushing. v9 makes setting it up and adding hooks much easier.
RDB 3.5: A Database Agnostic ORM for Node — Around for many years, RDB sits among a wide range of options, but the homepage makes it easy to see if its flavor is to your taste. It supports both JS and TypeScript, ESM and CJS, and v3.5 introduces Oracle support. GitHub repo.
Lars-Erik Roald
create-dmg 7.0: Create Good-Looking DMGs for macOS Apps — As well as creating hundreds over a thousand npm packages, Sindre also has a rapidly growing suite of macOS and iOS apps to his name, so this tool is clearly very useful to him, and it may be to you, too.
Sindre Sorhus
Puppeteer 21.10.0 – The Node API for Chrome – now with the experimental browser.debugInfo.
Restify 11.2 – Framework for building RESTful web services.
aws-lambda-fastify 4.0 – Run Fastify apps on AWS Lambda.
Fastify 4.26.0 – The aforementioned low overhead web framework.
Ottoman 2.4 – ODM for Couchbase, now with full text search support.
cookie-session 2.1 – Simple cookie-based session middleware.
Nightwatch.js 3.4 – End-to-end testing framework.
Flatbush 4.4 – Fast spatial index for 2D points/rects.
dnt 0.40 – Deno to npm package build tool.
Faker 8.4 – Generate fake data on demand.
Got 14.1 – Human-friendly HTTP request library.
Undici 6.5 – Node’s HTTP/1.1 client library.